Featured image of audio track "End Porn Addiction"

Subliminal – End Porn Addiction – Theta @8Hz (Base 108Hz)

Track Name

Subliminal – End Porn Addiction

Track TYPE



Theta @8Hz (Base 108Hz)


This audio track is designed to help individuals overcome their addiction to porn and develop a healthy and positive attitude towards sex. By listening to this track, users are exposed to positive affirmations and subliminal suggestions aimed at reprogramming their subconscious mind. The track utilizes binaural beats with a Theta frequency of 8Hz to induce a state of relaxation and enhance the effectiveness of the affirmations and suggestions. Whether you are struggling with porn addiction or simply seeking to improve your relationship with sex, this track can support you on your journey to a porn-free and fulfilling life.


– I am a strong and healthy human being
– I am in control of my sexual urges
– I am in control of my sexual desires
– I will free myself from my addiction to porn
– I am dedicated to overcoming porn addiction
– Every day it is easier without porn
– I enjoy a porn free lifestyle
– I am a strong, healthy, and positive human being
– I am in control of my life
– Beating my porn addiction is easy
– My attitude towards sex is healthy and wholesome
– I am in control of my sexual urges
– My sex life is full and satisfying
– I have a strong will power.
– I know how to stop my porn addiction
– I channel my sexual energy into positive activities
– I am strong and free from my porn addiction
– I am in control of my life
– I am living a life free from porn
– Each day my porn addiction is less

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